Welcome to Yuma Hears!

We believe quality hearing aids and assistive listening devices shouldn't cost an arm and a leg!

From inexpensive assistive listening hearing devices to over-the-counter hearing aids to heavily discounted, fully featured name brand hearing aids - WE'VE GOT YOUR EARS COVERED WITH 'BETTER YUMAN HEARING'!

Specializing adult (18+) fittings for more than 20 years!

  • Ready to Schedule Your FREE Consultation Appointment?

    If you have Medicare, you likely have SOME type of coverage - in many cases FULL coverage for prescriptive hearing aids! Our computerized hearing testing and initial consultation is free!

    Click Here to Schedule 
  • Full-Service Hearing Aid Center

    Specializing in ages 18+ adult fittings, and with more than 20 years experience working with hearing aids - first building and repairing hearing aids, then fitting hearing aids - if you are not hearing clearly, we've got your ears covered!

    Click Here to Learn More! 
  • Services Offered

    From FREE Hearing Testing to discount hearing aid sales and adjustments to custom personal audio and more! We work with, and repair/maintain ALL makes and models. We also provide custom hearing protection, high end IEM's, and more!

    Click Here to Learn More! 
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